The Economy is Real: This is How China Wins

THE DOUBLE MISTAKE OF EUROPE – Relying on the neoliberal creed, believing it would guarantee supremacy and lasting prosperity, and giving up the role of being a bridge between the United States and the emerging world.

In their recent trip to Beijing, both German Chancellor Scholz and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reproached Xi Jinping for China’s alleged overinvestment in sectors such as electric vehicles, solar panels, and batteries, well beyond the capacity of its domestic market, in order to flood global markets with more competitive goods. They both stated that they will not accept their industries being cornered simply because Chinese products enjoy lower production costs.

According to the Chinese, these claims are unfounded. They argue that China’s rise in these sectors has been driven, among other factors, by innovation and supply chains that have made the Chinese production system more competitive. The trade war between Western countries and China seems to be escalating every day, laying the groundwork for a military confrontation in line with the well-known saying by Von Clausewitz that war is the continuation of politics by other means.

Continue reading The Economy is Real: This is How China Wins

L’economia è reale: cosĂŹ vince la Cina

IL DOPPIO ERRORE DELL’EUROPA – Affidarsi al credo neo-liberista con l’idea che le avrebbe assicurato primato e benessere duraturi, e rinunciare al ruolo di ponte tra l’alleato Usa e il mondo emergente

Continue reading L’economia è reale: cosĂŹ vince la Cina

Rotation curves of the Milky Way and of external galaxies and a new mass model

Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics
of the Academy of Athens 
Webinar: TUESDAY 9 April 2024, 12:00 local time (UTC+3)
Rotation curves of the Milky Way and of external galaxies and a new mass model
Francesco Sylos Labini
Enrico Fermi Research Center, Rome, Italy
Continue reading Rotation curves of the Milky Way and of external galaxies and a new mass model

If you want peace, you don’t prepare for war, but for negotiations.

According to an ancient aphorism attributed to Aeschylus, “in war, truth is the first casualty”: nothing could be truer as we have experienced in the last two years, during which the falsehoods propagated by politicians and mainstream media are countless. If reality can be distorted to convince the public of the righteousness of certain political choices—a phenomenon to which we have become accustomed—the problem becomes dramatic and dangerous when the ruling class loses all connection with the facts and becomes a victim of its own self-delusion.

Continue reading If you want peace, you don’t prepare for war, but for negotiations.

Vuoi la pace? Non prepari la guerra, ma i negoziati

Secondo un antico aforisma attribuito a Eschilo, “in guerra, la verità è la prima vittima”: niente di più vero come abbiamo sperimentato negli ultimi due anni in cui le frottole all’unisono di politici e media mainstream non si contano. Se la realtà può essere distorta per convincere l’opinione pubblica della bontà di certe scelte politiche – un fenomeno a cui ormai siamo assuefatti – il problema diventa drammatico e pericoloso quando la classe dirigente perde ogni collegamento con i fatti e rimane vittima del proprio autoconvincimento.

Continue reading Vuoi la pace? Non prepari la guerra, ma i negoziati

L’istruzione pubblica dopo la regionalizzazione

Coordinano Irene Manzi (Responsabile nazionale istruzione PD), Lica Fantò (Responsabile nazionale scuola PSI).

Modera Marcello Crescenzi (Responsabile del programma PSI Roma).

Intervengono: Enzo Maraio (Segretario nazionale PSI), Marina Boscaino (Portavoce Comitati “No AD”), Giuseppe D’Aprile (Segretario generale UIL Scuola-Rua), Gianna Fracassi (Segretaria nazionale FlcCGIL), Camilla Piredda (Coordinatrice nazionale UDU), Francesco Sylos Labini (Direttore di Ricerca del Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi – Roars), Marco Sarracino (Coesione territoriale sud e aree interne PD).